Bedwas - COVID inform letter
There are some confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Bedwas Juniors. Despite the general easing of restrictions in wider society Covid is still very much around. We will continue to manage the situation carefully to help the journey back to some kind of normal although, sadly, it has recently been in the news that there has been an increase in the number of positive cases in all areas of the UK. If the cases reported to us relate specifically to a class then your child’s class teacher will inform the class as a whole and also inform close contacts of the positive case.
We continue to ask that you look out for symptoms of COVID-19 in your child.
The three key symptoms of COVID-19 are:
a high temperature: this means that they feel hot to touch on their chest or back
a new, continuous cough: this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste: this means they’ve noticed they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.
If your child has any of these three key symptoms, please do not send your child to school and arrange a PCR test for them immediately. You can book a PCR test online through the NHS website at or by calling 119. Anyone else in your household with any of these three key symptoms should also isolate and take a PCR test.
Anyone with a positive test result should follow the rules set out at If the test is negative, your child can return to school as soon as they feel better. As a school we are not always aware of personal circumstances and there may be adults or children with conditions that increase the risk from COVID-19 in your household or extended contact group. You may choose to limit contact with anyone at greater risk from the effects of COVID-19 infection as a precaution.
This letter is for information so you are aware to look out for any symptoms of COVID-19. We know how disruptive the last few years have been for everyone. We want to keep your child in school as much as possible, but we also want to keep our schools and communities safe from the effects of COVID-19.
Yours sincerely,
R Cook
Head Teacher
The Federation of Bedwas Junior and Rhydri Primary Schools