Bedwas Newsletter 7.9.21

Dear Parent / Carer,

Welcome back, I hope that you all had a good summer.

Breakfast Club Update   

Following discussions with the Catering department we now hope to reopen the Breakfast Club on Monday 20th September. I had hoped to be able to start the provision sooner but Catering (who run the provision) have informed me that it needs to be the 20th as they have some additional staffing arrangements to put in place.

This means that from now up to the morning of Friday 17th  September, arrangements will remain as they have been for the past year – meaning that each pair of classes will enter the site via their designated gate and these gates will be opened at 8.30am. With regard to the reopening, the Breakfast Club provision will be regularly risk assessed against the latest Covid guidance received from the Welsh Government and will only continue if all associated / identified risks can be mitigated.

When the Breakfast Club reopens the arrangements will be – 

Breakfast Club (runs from 8am – 8.40am) will accept attendees from 8am - 8.20am. All Breakfast Club children will need to enter the site through the main back gate on Celtic Way opposite Glebe Street and go straight in to the canteen in order to be registered. 

As so much time has elapsed since the last time Breakfast Club was able to run they will need new application forms for all pupils who wish to attend this academic year whether they attended before or not. This is to ensure that their records / contact details are as up to date as possible. Although hosted on the school site Breakfast Club is mangaged by the Catering service who keep and manage their own records. They will need a form per child meaning that siblings will have separate forms. These forms are available from the school office as well as being on the last page of the School Prospectus which is available on the school website. The forms can be handed in to the school office during the first week back in September. 

All other pupils – once Breakfast Club reopens normal access gates (as they are this year) will be opened from 8.20am not the current 8.30am and the yards will be zoned for each class as they currently are. If it rains pupils will need to enter through their current gates and make their way to their classes. 

Welsh Government Update

We have been asked to share the following update which has been prepared by WG with you.

Changes to contact tracing and self-isolation from this September

As we return to school, there are some new arrangements in place when someone tests positive for COVID-19. These changes have been made possible by the vaccination programme and the significant reduction in numbers being hospitalised and suffering severe illness due to COVID-19 over recent months.

If your child tests positive for COVID-19 using a PCR test, NHS Test, Trace, Protect (TTP) will contact you, using the details provided when the PCR test was ordered. They will ask questions designed to identify recent close contacts of your child, and for contact details - if you know them - of the individual or their parent/guardian. TTP will then get in touch with these close contacts to provide instructions or advice.

Those who are under 18 or fully vaccinated are no longer required to self-isolate if they are identified as close contacts. But they will be contacted to let them know that they’ve been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. They will also be offered two PCR tests and provided with information and advice on how to minimise the risks of onward spread. If your child is identified as a close contact, they can still attend school unless they develop symptoms or are advised otherwise by TTP. Please continue to let us know if your child tests positive.

If a child tests positive, only a minority of their classmates will be identified as close contacts. But if there is a pattern of cases TTP may ask us to update you on the situation and remind you of key steps, including advising you to keep an eye out for new symptoms your child may develop, and to stay away from vulnerable family and friends in the short-term.

We do expect that there will be cases of COVID-19 across our community over the coming weeks, but this does not mean that COVID-19 is spreading within the school. Please continue to be vigilant for symptoms. If you are in any doubt, order a PCR test for your child at or by calling 119.

Anyone with symptoms - a new continuous cough, fever or high temperature or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste - should remain in self-isolation until the test result is known. You can find the latest information on self-isolation arrangements at

We recognise how difficult the past 18 months have been and the sacrifices that all families have had to make. Thank you for everything you have done to support your child and your school.

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