Message from Aneurin Bevan Health Board regarding Strep A

Dear all,

The Health Board is aware of increased public anxiety with regards to recent media reports on rare complications of Strep A in children.

We are asking parents and carers to view official advice from Public Health Wales, which can be found at

Complications of Strep A are extremely rare and there are lots of viruses circulating at the moment, which may give children a sore throat. We are urging people not to worry unnecessarily - please read the Public Health advice or use the online 111 symptom checker before seeking medical attention.

Consultant in Adult and Paediatric Emergency Medicine at The Grange University Hospital, Dr Rob Stafford, said: "We know there are a lot of parents and carers who are anxious about Strep A at the moment, but I would urge people to stay calm.

"The complications of Strep A that have caused a small number of deaths across the UK are extremely rare and parents are advised to be vigilant and only seek healthcare if their child displays symptoms that might suggest a review by a health professional is needed. The symptoms to look out for are: a high temperature above 38°C, severe muscle aches, localised muscle tenderness, and redness at the site of a wound.

“There are many other illnesses circulating at the moment, many of which cause sore throats and cold symptoms in children. This should be managed at home with paracetamol and ibuprofen products.

“If your child does not have the symptoms that might suggest Strep A, listed above, then there is no need to seek a swab test or to see a medical professional.

“It is particularly important that parents avoid taking their children to the Emergency Department at The Grange University Hospital unless absolutely necessary to ensure those children who are seriously ill can be seen and treated quickly.”

Parents and carers are being advised to contact their GP or call 111 if they think their child has any of the signs and symptoms of Scarlett Fever or iGAS disease.