Bedwas - Parking
At drop-off and pick-up times we are getting many instances of cars stopping on the zig-zag lines outside the school. These zig-zags are there to help keep the children (and adults) safe as they cross the road and if they are blocked the already heavy traffic becomes even more of a risk. With the narrowness of Celtic Way any cars stopped on the zig-zags also cause a jam as there is nowhere for cars to safely pass. We have contacted the Police and are hoping for support from them with this. Please do not stop on these lines.
During the lockdown, after an assessment carried out by CCBC because of the retirement of our School Crossing Patrol Mrs Wheeler, the post was removed from the school. The Crossing Patrol is not employed by the school, they are employed by CCBC centrally. Despite being contacted by the school and local councillors on many occasions asking them to reconsider especially as it was taken during the very unusual circumstances of the lockdown they would not change their decision. An issue we
had with the original assessment was the reduced traffic during the lockdown as the flow of traffic forms a large part of their assessment. The traffic now seems to be back to its previous dangerous levels so another assessment has been arranged with CCBC. I will keep you updated with their findings as soon as I hear.