Pupil Voice

Eco Committee

Made up by children from year 3 - 6, the eco committee look to make a positive environmental impact. Our Eco Committee help our school to continue to be environmentally friendly. We take part in regular discussions about a variety of topics including recycling, waste management, energy etc. We meet once a month in Silver Class. We are very pleased to announce that we have celebrated our second platinum flag renewal this year from Keep Wales Tidy.

Please see our notice board for our yearly action plan and our eco code. 

Busy Bees

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We are a bee friendly school and enjoy raising awareness of the importance of honey bees in our world. Our children have enjoyed visiting our hive and Mrs Banks is looking forward to maintaining a new hive soon. We have recently researched and planted a variety of seeds and plants such as echinacea, hostas, lavender and honeysuckle that the honey bees are attracted to.

House Captains

Every child at Rhydri is part of a school house team. In Rhydri we have two Houses; Ty Draig (red house) and Ty Cennin (green house). We hold elections every year for new Captains and Vice captains from year 6 pupils. This year, our House Captains are; Yianis-Ty Draig, Maia- Ty Cennin and their vice captains are; Maddison- Ty Draig, Rayaan - Ty Cennin.

Our role as House Captains include being an excellent role model in behaviour, attitude and dress at all times. As house captains, we inspire the children of our house, maintain the discipline and lead our houses in school events like Sports Day and the Eisteddfod. We make sure the pupils are actively participating in the events, competitions or tasks. We also collect, monitor and announce House Points in assemblies. Furthermore, we plan and organise assemblies. This is why we wear the House Captain’s badge with pride.

School Council

Every year group in years 1-6 have chosen two children to be their representatives on the School Council. The School Council meets regularly to discuss suggestions put forward by our classes. We are the voice of the pupils and we are expected to be good role models and ambassadors for the school.

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School Council news update- Autumn 2019

  • Organised the Playtime rota so all classes get a variety of activities at playtime.

  • Took part in a shared presentation with Bedwas Junior School Council at Harvest assembly.

  • Organised Christmas jumper day to raise money for the charity, Save the Children.

School Council news update- Spring 2020

  • Hand washing initiative; The School Council were trained by to teach how to wash hands correctly. We then demonstrated the correct way to wash hands and all classes had a go.

  • We then trained Bedwas School Council and they then trained their classes.

  • 2 members took part in a Healthy School initiative at Ty Penallta, where they saw healthy cookery demonstrations and gave feedback about school meal menus.